When the government was giving tests away for free, we all got used to acquiring home testing kits for COVID-19 in small quantities – usually 5 packs or 7 packs.
The business-to-business market was a little different with companies stockpiling thousands of Lateral Flow tests to see them through the darkest days of the pandemic.
Of course it depends on your Covid testing needs…
For example, if you’re in good health and live alone you may only need a couple tests for peace of mind to make sure the symptoms you’re experiencing aren’t in fact COVID.
On the other hand, if your husband or wife lives in a care home or assisted living, you may be required to test before every visit to your loved one. That could mean daily testing for long periods of time to keep your spouse, and the other residents safe.
Prices for 5 packs range online right up to £5.99 per test. Let’s say you require 5 tests per week for 1 year. That’s 260 tests a year which could easily cost you into 4-figures if you continuously purchase tests in small quantities.
So what’s the alternative and how can you save on Lateral Flow Tests?
Online suppliers like rapidflowflextest.co.uk offer bulk deals on Covid home testing kits which can help reduce the financial burden associated with ongoing testing.
You could purchase FlowFlex Lateral Flow home tests in bulk with a 2-year shelf life and make considerable savings.
For example, you could order 240 tests in one hit and pay as little as £1.94 per test, potentially saving you up to 50% on the cost of testing over the course of one year.
Then take into account postage savings if you buy your Rapid Antigen Tests online.

Isn’t that a little risky?
No. It’s not.
Because you’ll definitely need them. Covid is going to be around for a long time and some of us will have to continue taking more precautions than others for whatever reason.
None of us want to spend money on testing but we do to protect our loved ones.
We’ve seen more families buying in bulk recently to help control the cost of staying safe and it makes a lot of sense. We’ve even spoken to customers who are buying in bulk with others to reduce the costs. It makes a lot of sense really.